ANC Germany

ANC Germany by Jesse Morrison Ayomah

Jesse Morrison Ayomah

Seeking the lord is the center of our lives Your life can be ordinary or extra ordinary. You can live an ordinary life or you can live an extra ordinary life. It starts in His presence. That place is where we find our true purpose in life. You will find out God purpose for your life by spending time in his presence


Just as every human being needs to eat and drink to survive, so does every Christian need to feed on the Word of God to grow.

Life in the Word seeks to bring sound, balanced biblical principles and truths in a systematic approach to members of All Nations Church, at every level of growth.


  • 30 - 03 The Pillar of Finding Your Life Purpose 
    Sun, 21 Jan 2024
  • 29 - 10 What It Means Too Prepare Your Heart 
    Fri, 12 Jan 2024
  • 28 - 09 Prepare Your Heart To Seek God 
    Thu, 11 Jan 2024
  • 27 - 08 Tips For Staying In The Presence- Wait 
    Tue, 09 Jan 2024
  • 26 - 07 Tips For Staying In The Presence 
    Tue, 09 Jan 2024


